Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is a fundamental problem in computer science, where the goal is to find occurrences of a "pattern" string within a "text" string. Two efficient algorithms for this purpose are Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) and Boyer-Moore.

1. Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) Algorithm

The KMP algorithm preprocesses the pattern to create a partial match (or "failure") table, which is used to skip unnecessary comparisons in the text.


  1. Build the partial match table (LPS array).
  2. Use the LPS array to efficiently search the pattern in the text.


package main import ( "fmt" ) // BuildLPS constructs the LPS (Longest Prefix Suffix) array func BuildLPS(pattern string) []int { m := len(pattern) lps := make([]int, m) j := 0 // length of previous longest prefix suffix i := 1 for i < m { if pattern[i] == pattern[j] { j++ lps[i] = j i++ } else { if j != 0 { j = lps[j-1] } else { lps[i] = 0 i++ } } } return lps } // KMPSearch performs the KMP search algorithm func KMPSearch(text, pattern string) []int { n := len(text) m := len(pattern) lps := BuildLPS(pattern) var result []int i, j := 0, 0 for i < n { if pattern[j] == text[i] { i++ j++ } if j == m { result = append(result, i-j) j = lps[j-1] } else if i < n && pattern[j] != text[i] { if j != 0 { j = lps[j-1] } else { i++ } } } return result } func main() { text := "ABABDABACDABABCABAB" pattern := "ABABCABAB" matches := KMPSearch(text, pattern) fmt.Println("Pattern found at indices:", matches) }

2. Boyer-Moore Algorithm

The Boyer-Moore algorithm improves the efficiency of pattern matching by using two heuristics: the bad character rule and the good suffix rule.


  1. Preprocess the pattern to create the bad character table and the good suffix table.
  2. Use these tables to skip sections of the text.


package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) // BadCharHeuristic preprocesses the pattern to create the bad character table func BadCharHeuristic(pattern string) []int { const ALPHABET_SIZE = 256 badChar := make([]int, ALPHABET_SIZE) for i := range badChar { badChar[i] = -1 } for i := 0; i < len(pattern); i++ { badChar[pattern[i]] = i } return badChar } // BoyerMooreSearch performs the Boyer-Moore search algorithm func BoyerMooreSearch(text, pattern string) []int { m := len(pattern) n := len(text) badChar := BadCharHeuristic(pattern) var result []int s := 0 // s is the shift of the pattern with respect to text for s <= (n - m) { j := m - 1 // Keep reducing index j of pattern while characters of pattern and text are matching for j >= 0 && pattern[j] == text[s+j] { j-- } // If the pattern is present at current shift, then index j will become -1 after the above loop if j < 0 { result = append(result, s) if (s + m < n) { s += m - badChar[text[s+m]] } else { s += 1 } } else { s += int(math.Max(1, float64(j-badChar[text[s+j]]))) } } return result } func main() { text := "ABDSAAABCD" pattern := "ABC" matches := BoyerMooreSearch(text, pattern) fmt.Println("Pattern found at indices:", matches) }


These algorithms are powerful tools for efficient string searching and are widely used in various applications such as text editors, search engines, and bioinformatics. Understanding and implementing these algorithms will enhance your capability to solve complex pattern matching problems.

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